
I’m Frank Chen, a senior at The Urban Assembly Maker Academy. Currently, I’m on the computer science faucet of the CTE pathway at Maker and am certified in computer programming.  After school, I work as a counselor at CPC Pike St. where I’m in charge of the Rising New York Road Runner (RNYRR) program as a Program Lead at my site, where I oversee the implementation of running activities and games that promote physical literacy and increases the confidence and determination levels of the kids enrolled in the program. Through the implementation of RNYRR and the concept of physical literacy, kids enrolled in the program will be more courageous in their academic and social life; where they are more inclined to speak up for and share their own ideas and to develop their sense of personal agency.

In addition to overseeing the RNYRR program, I currently teach science to fourth and fifth graders, where students explore the different organ systems that make up the human body, the ways that they interact with each other, and the fundamental basics of life. During the 2018-2019 school year, I taught robotics with the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 system to fourth and fifth graders, where my students explored not only block-based programming and the design thinking/engineering design process, but also the integral part that technology plays in our modern society. In an attempt to seamlessly integrate creative coding and robotics into a classroom, I used robotics as a median to teach other STEAM fields, often requiring students to create their own robot and code to assist them in their learning, from creating a robot to assist them in performing scientific experiments to creating a robot that is able to create a piece of art. Through the use of coding and robotics to teach what is seen as more traditional fields, I hope that my students will be able to see how integral robots and technology are in our ever-changing society, and what it can do for them.